Caring for your Stained Glass Piece

Treat your stained glass artwork with respect - it is made of glass which is breakable!

  • To clean your piece wipe gently with a dry, soft cotton cloth or microfiber towel.
  • If you wish to restore a polished look, lay your piece flat on a folded towel and gently rub on some Mother’s Carnauba car wax or use the spray version for easier application by spraying on the towel and then polishing the metal and glass. Let dry for 15 minutes and polish off gently with a cotton cloth.
    • Note: it is also possible to use Pledge since that is a wax cleaner or any furniture wax cleaner that doesn’t contain other chemicals.
    • Wax your piece no more than twice a year.
  • If, on the rare occurrence, your piece needs a deep cleaning, wash gently with soap and water. Dry with a cotton cloth and then apply wax as discussed above.
  • Do not use ammonia, vinegar or any acid-based cleanser (like Windex), since they will react with the patina and solder.
  • Never clean stained glass with an abrasive material as it will remove or scratch the patina, solder and potentially the glass.
  • Occasionally, over time, you will see white areas appear on the lead or solder – that is just oxidation or left over un-buffed wax. Both can be buffed out by gently rubbing and applying more wax if needed. Using a dry toothbrush can aid in this process, just don’t use it to brush your teeth since you are cleaning lead solder.
  • Wash your hands after cleaning your pieces